January 28, 2011

Day 18- Columbia Street Park in Covington

 I went down to the Columbia Street Park after working out this morning. I have been down there several times before and taken some pics. Today was a little different though.

January 26, 2011

Day 16- Abita Springs

 I was unable to get my pic of the day yesterday, so I made up for it today. I went to Abita Springs to check out the new park and pavilion. This was a totally new area for me to explore even though I have passed by the area a million times. I had so much to see in different ways and worked on my perspective while I was at it.

January 24, 2011

Day 14- Grapes and Old Ball Jars

 So my daughter got me interested in the grapes this afternoon. We had rain today so getting out and taking some pics was not on the agenda. Meredith pointed out that it was a nice uniform bunch of grapes. I decided to hoist them up on an antique milk bottle and took some pics of them with the antique Ball jars.

I am still learning how to use my camera and hope to advance as time goes on this year. I am not fond of the glare in the window.

January 23, 2011

Day 12 and 13- Sunset and Light Reflections

 I had my laptop kidnapped last night, so I didn't get to post my pics until today. I got some of the sun setting behind the trees yesterday evening which was lovely.  Today was a rarity because I saw the sun beaming through the stained glass in the front door due to the house being smoked up from cooking something at a high heat. The last photo is Meredith and Bourgeois outside early this morning in the cold. He settled in her coat and didn't want to leave the warmth.

January 21, 2011

Day 11- Mandeville Lake Front

Old Oak
 I was under the weather yesterday so I missed my picture of the day. I tried to make up for it today by going to the Lake Front. Today was a beautiful day for taking photos.
The lake with reflexion and Causeway in background.

Moss covered oak tree

One of the Marinas in Mandeville

Marina view from between the trees

January 19, 2011

Day 9- By the Bayou

 I went for a drive this morning and I ended up in Mandeville by the lake front. Not one thing was catching my eye up until I got to the end of the road and noticed in a yard a huge rooster. I had to stop and get a pic of it. This thing had to be at least 15 feet tall.

So I packed up and turned the corner and noticed the bayou and stopped to take it in and ended up taking a few more pics. I was really happy that I did get to see a crane since they migrate during this time of year.

January 18, 2011

Day 8 - Cows and Chicken

 I have been admiring the cows for over a week now, so today I took the time to take some pics of them. Today was an overcast day so I noticed a little drabness in the photos. The last photo is just a little ironic because we had chicken tonight. I thought I would work on my skills at food photography.